Permaculture Design Certification

Permaculture Design Certification

InanItah’s upcoming Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is a 20 day hands-on and internationally recognized training experience in permaculture design principles and practices. The course will be held at InanItah, a 22-Acre Permaculture Site and transformational living and learning center. InanItah is located on the beautiful Isla de Ometepe, an Island of twin volcanoes on Lake Nicaragua. For more information about InanItah visit the website.

This course expands on the standard PDC by integrating an exploration of our relationship with ourselves and our communities. The course intertwines the teaching of a traditional Permaculture Design Certification with an experience in Transformational Community Living.

This course is ideal for anyone interested in empowering themselves to take an active role in building a regenerative future. This included anyone with a focus in agriculture, architecture, ecology, gardening, landscaping, education, as well as personal and community development. No prior permaculture experience is necessary.


For further details and registration information, please visit the event page.